Saturday 7 November 2015

All Ye Faithful (faux metal technique)


Years ago, my friend Lyndsay from Manitoba introduced me to the faux metal technique. And for years now I've forgotten about it. Just yesterday I thought, "Hey! Right!" And so I found my metalic embossing powders and lo and behold, the All Ye Faithful trio of images worked perfectly for this. I'll tell you briefly what you do, since I just don't have the time for posting a tutorial right now. Scroll down to the bottom of this post and I'll explain a bit... 

Grab your Versamark pad and unlid it and pat it onto a piece of cardstock. Pour whichever color embossing powder over and heat emboss. Cool it; repeat. Cool it; repeat till you have a third layer. QUICK before that third layer is cool, press your choice of image stamp onto it. Pull stamp off and you should have something similar to the examples above.

Let me know how yours turn out!

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